Monday, January 3, 2011

Heart Creek and Vermilion Lakes - January 2nd 2011

We all drove out to Heart Creek for a walk today. We got there by one o'clock and walked along the trail to the end. The creek is mostly frozen over with some patches of exposed water. I tried to get some photos but in reviewing them I'm not finding that many of them turned out as well as I would have hoped for. It was chilly and our faces got cold, no one remembered to bring tissues to wipe our runny noses. It makes me wonder why your nose runs when your out in the cold.

When we were nearing the end of the walk we saw the sun setting on Grotto Mountain across the valley.

Here a pic for you.

After the walk, we drove into Banff. I tried to get a few shots at the Vermilion lakes before we went to dinner. Here is a shot of Mt Rundle that I like. I froze my fingers again because I rushed out of the car without putting on my gloves and the wind was blowing here.

Again I took a lot of shots that just didn't work out very well. Guess it means I'll have to practice more. I think I'm up to that ;-). If I add more photo's from today's adventure they will be found here

Thanks for looking


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